small change

big impact

Be the change Africa needs.
Together, we can transform lives.

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churches planted
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years of transforming lives
leaders trained

For more than 30 years,

AFnet has worked within the continent of Africa through strategic networks and
partnerships. Having seen first hand the impact our ministry has on the people of
Africa, we are ever-encouraged to push forward.

We continue the Great Commission set forth to us, by raising up leaders,
strategically planting churches, and caring for the children orphaned by AIDS,
so that His work and kingdom may be multiplied on earth.

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AFnet brings renewed hope
to the people of Africa.

empowering africa's future generations

"Today, AFnet continues to be a beacon of hope across Africa. With a robust network of leaders, churches, and volunteers, we are committed to bringing the gospel to every corner of the continent and addressing critical social challenges."


  • Active in over 20 countires, with thousands of leaders trained annually.
  • Expanded focus on church planting among unreached people groups.
  • Strengthened efforts to address poverty, disease, and the needs of vulnerable children.
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the start

Strategic partnerships


growing impact

Churches Planted & Leaders Trained.


making change

Empowering Africa’s
Future Generations!


the start

Strategic partnerships


growing impact

Churches Planted & Leaders Trained.


making change

Empowering Africa’s
Future Generations!

ways you can help

with Us

Apply as a Pastor/Leader

Connect Your Church

Donate to Multiply Hope

Become an Ambassador


Absolutely! You don’t need prior experience—just a heart to serve and a willingness to learn. Whether you’re volunteering, joining a mission trip, or becoming an ambassador, we’ll provide all the guidance and training you need.

How we implement your
donations to activate change.

We understand that when you make a donation, you want to know exactly where your money is going and we pledge to be transparent. (AFnet is a registered 501c3 - all donations are tax deductible)

  40% safe-haven construction

  35% education programs

  10% helping families

  10% child safety

  5% feeding the poor



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read our news


April 2023 With 2023 now in full swing, we’re reminded about the importance of considering what The Lord of the Harvest is expecting from each of His followers in regard to His commission to make disciples of all nations. As we have considered our ongoing role and response in the year ahead, one thing stands […]


September 2022 MOST EFFECTIVE STRATEGY OF EVANGELISM! “Planting new churches is the most effective strategy of evangelism under heaven!” These first words from my doctoral mentor Dr. C. Peter Wagner as I stepped into the Strategies of Church Growth class at Fuller Seminary have remained with me ever since. Experience and practical ministry have since […]


It’s impossible this Thanksgiving to not highlight our “gratitude.” “Great is Thy faithfulness, Oh Lord! – Our gratitude towards Your amazing work falls far short and can never be enough.” Reflecting on the three decades since launching AFnet, we’re filled with nostalgia. Reminiscing on our years of service and leadership responsibility, we’re most grateful to […]